

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to some individuals and groups, without whose participation and support this thesis would not be possible.

Thank You...

V prvom rade ďakujem mojej drahej Pernilke... už iba za to že si a vždy budeš centrom môjho vesmíru.

Deda Cristina Colonna (personifying dance and gesture… actio, actio, actio...)

Lars Ulrik Mortensen (personifying music...) and my dear Coconuts from Concerto Copenhagen

Steen, Vibeke and CoCo Friends!

Ida & Hanna and my dear friends in Camerata Øresund

Ali (for straightening out both my English and ideas; and for all the dancing when we play...)

Marcus Mohlin (amazing harpsichordist, who keeps saying I was his teacher... well, I have learned immensely while teaching you!)

Judith Maria (for your smiling walking bass)

Bjarte & Barokksolistene (the way to make music!)

Miloš & Dáša and Solamente Naturali (the way to live music!)

Peter and NEMF (for daring to make a festival)

Björn and Koncertkirken (for making things happen)

Stephen Stubbs & Paul O’Dette and BEMF (and the fabulous dancers!)

Erin Headley (for lovingly supervising my first baroque steps)

Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra (for insisting on The Four seasons)

Tallinn Chamber Orchestra (for sounding amazing and still ready to dance)

Baroque Aros & Eric (‘dancing’ with me on the oboe in my Rebel study)

Skalholt Festival, Iceland

Jönköping Sinfonietta

EUBO & Paul and Emma

Kristin Thora Haraldsdottir (for the new sounds...)

Andrew Lawrence King (to be 'continuoed...')

My dear colleagues at the Research department at Musikhögskolan, and Karin, Göran, Håkan

Stefan Östersjö and Hans Hellsten (my wonderful team of supervisors...)

My opponents during the project, Henrik Frisk (25%), Anders Friberg (50%), Elaine King (75%), Richard Wistreich (the final defence)

Cecilia Parsberg (for tremendous film material and your great spirit)

Ylva & Forskarskolan

Søren Meisner (for your guidance with the website design)

David Gorton (for the efficient and smooth language check)

My teachers, Alexander Fischer, Bohdan Warchal, Maria Karlikova and Anna Hölblingová

A nakoniec, ďakujem za radosť čo cítim pri každej myšlienke na vás, deti moje, Sonička, Samko, Otto a Julko, mamo, a celá rodina doma na Slovensku, og ikke mindst tak til Rita & Kent og min danske familie.



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